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Blue cod fishery in the Marlborough Sounds is opening today and the Ministry for Primary Industries (MPI) is reminding fishers to abide by the rules.
The bag limit is two blue cod for all of the Marlborough Sounds and Tasman area (Farwell spit to Clarence river), says MPI’s Regional Manager Fisheries Compliance Upper South Island, Howard Reid.
“While compliance through the closed season was generally good, it’s time to shift gear and respect the rules while you are allowed to catch blue cod again.
“Remember during the open season you cannot fillet your blue cod while you are still on the water - unless you are going to eat them immediately. Fishers must land their blue cod in a whole or gutted state only.
“It’s also important to carefully measure your fish, and if you catch undersize ones, put them back quickly.
“We have great give away stick-on fish rulers, we recommend these are stuck to a flat horizontal surface to allow for quick accurate measuring. Even better if you can touch the nose of the fish against a hard stop at the zero end of the measure.
“Get in touch with your local Fishery Office to get a sticker or ask a Fishery Officer as we will be out and about inspecting catches.
"By finding out about the rules and abiding by them you are doing your bit to look after the fishery and make sure there are enough fish for everyone.”
Information on size and daily catch limits is available on the MPI website or the NZ Fishing Rules app.
The blue cod season is closed from 1 September to 20 December for fishing.
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